What I did before EP:
Before EP, I spent seven years in the classroom teaching both high school and middle school mathematics. I taught in three different schools in three different states, (Kansas City, MO; Marietta, GA; and Dallas, TX).
I studied math in undergrad, and I knew I wanted to use my degree to teach and mentor, which is why I decided to become an educator. In my first school I was a part of the founding high school team, in my second school I mentored African-American young men, and in my last school I taught English Language Learners from all over the world.
What I did during the Fellowship:
During my Fellowship year at Education Systems Center, I created a new interactive data tool to robustly engage Illinois communities around college and career metrics like college enrollment, dual credit participation, and postsecondary remediation rates. Through my impact, I have emerged as an expert in high school and postsecondary data across Illinois and now shape the conversation around college and career success for high school graduates.
What I learned from the Fellowship:
The expertise I gained during my time serving at Education Systems Center will allow me to effectively engage with communities and influence policymakers on how to equitably increase secondary, postsecondary, and career outcomes for the next generation of young people in Illinois.
EP gave me an opportunity to realize my potential outside of the classroom. I never could have imagined that I’d meet so many inspiring individuals through EP and become a part of such an amazing team at EdSystems.