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Ijeoma Anyanwu

Deputy Chief, Data and Strategy at DC Public Schools, 2014 EP Fellow

What led you to apply to EP?
I was looking for opportunities following my graduate education that would help me transition into high impact roles in education that could utilize my skills in research, data, and analytics to effect systems level change within the education sector.

What projects or initiatives did you undertake as a Fellow?
As a Fellow, I worked with the Baltimore City Public Schools Fund for Educational Excellence as the Chief Analyst to establish and implement a data management system for the 2014 Community Study, a project initiated by the Analysis, Advocacy, and Engagement Division of The Fund as a large-scale community listening effort to engage the citizens of Baltimore City in public discussion on the current state of City schools.

As Chief Analyst, I oversaw the analysis of hundreds of hours of qualitative and quantitative data gathered from community conversations, interviews, and online survey responses from a representative sample of individuals residing in all 55 Community Statistical Areas in Baltimore City. I also co-authored a policy brief highlighting the top themes and recommendations from the conversations—target audience included the CEO of City Schools, school cabinet members, state senators, and the general public.

How did EP shape your leadership growth and/or professional trajectory?
EP allowed me to see how my skills in research, evaluation, and data analysis could be applied in a way that would make a difference within the education sector. It also gave me access to a powerful network of individuals committed to improving the educational experience for students, ensuring the system works for all students and not just some.

What were some key learnings or takeaways from your Fellowship experience?
Through the EP Fellowship, I learned more about the local education landscape, which was beneficial for me as I navigated my Fellowship experience, and also now as I continue to work within the same local landscape.

Where have you seen the power of the EP network at play in the broader movement towards educational justice?
Each time I walk into a new space within the education sector and I see Education Pioneers Alumni in positions of influence and leadership, I get excited to be there and inspired by what we can achieve together for our students and families.

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