EP Alumni Spotlight: Kai Kung

Kai Kung

CEO of San Joaquin A+ in Stockton, CA
2012 EP Fellow in Seattle, WA


This year marks the 20th anniversary of Education Pioneers (EP), a significant milestone in our organization’s journey. To honor this occasion, we’re sharing an ongoing blog series to showcase EP Alumni who are actively addressing opportunity gaps within their communities.


Joining the EP Fellowship was a pivotal decision for Kai Kung (2012). After nearly ten years working as a finance leader at Intel and as a venture associate evaluating seed-stage investments, the Fellowship provided him the chance to explore a career in public education. Reflecting on his journey, it’s clear that the impact of his decision extends far beyond his initial aspirations.

Building Foundations

As an EP Fellow at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Kai was tasked with developing a request for proposals (RFP) that would provide $2 million in grant funding to enhance digital curricula. He then joined the organization full time and spent more than seven years leading portfolios of grantees focused on personalized learning and teacher professional development.

Thinking back to those early days in his role, Kai remembers attending a convening of the organizations receiving grants through the RFP that he set up. He noted, “To think that I played just a small part in helping to bring such talented people together around a shared problem of practice served as both a reminder of the potential of our work—and the responsibility that must come along with it.” 

Kai now serves as the CEO of San Joaquin A+, a group of educators, business leaders, active citizens, and philanthropists who partner with employers and schools across Stockton, CA. The organization seeks to equip young people with skills and experiences for sustainable careers with the ultimate goal of driving long-term economic growth in Stockton and San Joaquin County.

“Systemic change is difficult due to complex challenges and inherent inertia, but a clear vision and proof of better alternatives can help,” he said. “As evidenced by a growing number of school and employer partners and students served, this work has resonated deeply with our community. Moreover, the connective tissue we’ve helped develop between the education and employment systems will benefit our civic life and sense of community over time.”

The Power of Unity

Kai recalled a lesson learned from the late Don Shalvey, who served as Kai’s longtime mentor and co-CEO of San Joaquin A+ until his passing in early 2024. “There was no truer testament to the notion of ‘better together’ than Don,” Kai shared. “While we place currency in programs and ideas, it is Don’s belief in people and emphasis on relationships that will always scale more readily.” 

Inspired by Don’s example, Kai believes the collective impact of EP Alumni will undoubtedly shape the educational landscape over the next two decades. Addressing the profound challenges and opportunities will require the same emphasis on relationships, collective problem-solving, and interdisciplinary collaboration that Don championed. “Even as we strive to help more of our young people realize their immense potential via public education, I challenge myself as a leader to always mirror that same level of care with my teammates, colleagues, and fellow travelers,” Kai concluded. 

The future of the sector hinges on the human capital within it, and Kai is confident that the EP Alumni network will be a part of that solution. Beyond their talents and achievements, it is the humility and commitment to service that Kai has seen in his fellow EP Alumni that inspire and encourage him the most as he looks to the future of his organization and the landscape as a whole.


EP believes in the power of mobilizing diverse, skilled professionals from inside and outside of the sector to transform education as we know it. If you’re an Alumni looking to multiply your impact, you can get involved by referring a Fellow or hosting a Fellow at your organization. 

About our Alumni Network
After completing their Fellowship, EP Fellows join our vibrant Alumni network made up of more than 4,600 connected changemakers at every level of educational leadership. Together, EP Fellows and Alumni drive meaningful change and work towards creating a more just and equitable future for all students. Learn more about the impact of our Alumni network here